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Unlocking the World of Tribal Casino Security, Surveillance, and Technology

Unlocking the World of Tribal Casino Security, Surveillance, and Technology

Unlocking the World of Tribal Casino Security, Surveillance, and Technology

Insights from John Underwood, Surveillance Technology Manager of Cherokee Nation Entertainment

Insights from John Underwood, Surveillance Technology Manager of Cherokee Nation Entertainment

Insights from John Underwood, Surveillance Technology Manager of Cherokee Nation Entertainment



February 2, 2023

February 2, 2023



min read

min read

In the world of gaming and entertainment, tribal casinos stand out as unique entities, distinct from their corporate-owned counterparts. These establishments not only offer an immersive and thrilling gaming experience but are also deeply rooted in the traditions and governance models of the native tribes. To shed light on the intricate web of security, surveillance, and technology that supports tribal casinos, we spoke to John Underwood, Surveillance Technology Manager from Cherokee Nation Entertainment. With his extensive knowledge, we gained valuable insights into how tribal casinos manage security, navigate regulations, and utilize technology to maintain their competitive edge.

1. How Ownership Impacts Security and Technology Decisions

John Underwood emphasizes that tribal casinos, as part of smaller tribal corporations, maintain a close and trusted relationship with their executives. This relationship fosters a dedicated approach to protecting guests, employees, and assets. This is in stark contrast to larger corporate entities, where the relationship may be more distant, and the justification of funds for emerging technology may be harder to make. The focus on bottom-line impact in corporate casinos may limit their investment in advanced technology.

2. Regulatory Requirements and Their Influence on Security

The regulatory landscape for tribal casinos has evolved over the years. Collaborative efforts with regulatory bodies have streamlined the licensing process and removed outdated regulations. Unlike in the past, many vendors are no longer required to be licensed, especially if they provide products rather than on-site services. This simplification has allowed tribal casinos to focus on bringing the best tools to bear in enhancing their security measures.

3. Tribal Management and Shareholders' Role in Shaping Strategies

In tribal casinos, tribal members often serve as shareholders. Management, according to Underwood, maintains a direct relationship with the executives, aligning their security and technology strategies with the company's mission and vision. The impact of tribal administration on security measures is minimal, as decisions are primarily influenced by the tribal corporation.

4. Preferred Technology Soluons and Vendors

There are no specific technology solutions or vendors mandated within tribal gaming compacts or agreements. Tribal casinos must adhere to the Naonal Indian Gaming Commission Minimum Internal Control Standards (NIGC MICS) and maintain their own Tribal Internal Control Standards (TICS). These standards ensure that security and technology solutions meet or exceed industry requirements and standards.

5. Alignment with the Tribe's Brand and Image/Maintaining alignment between security and surveillance practices and the tribal brand is crucial.

Consistent dialogue with property and executive management ensures that security and surveillance solutions create a safe environment for both employees and guests. This alignment helps in preserving the unique tribal identity and values.

6. Strategies for Labor Disputes and Employee-Related Security Issues

Tribal casinos, in Underwood's experience, are less impacted by labor disputes compared to corporate casinos. Regarding employee-related security issues, controlled access and comprehensive camera coverage, similar to front-of-house deployment, are key strategies. With access control systems, employees of concern can have their access disabled promptly when an issue arises.

7. Data Privacy and Compliance in Tribal Casinos

Tribal casinos place a heavier emphasis on data privacy and compliance, with a tendency to be more cautious about relying on cloud applications. This caution stems from a desire to maintain greater control over data and security. Tribal casinos prioritize robust data protection measures in line with industry standards and regulations.

8. Vendor Selection and Technology Adoption

Vendor selection and technology adoption in tribal casinos can vary. Some tribal organizations make decisions based on cost, while others, like CNE, conduct thorough research, test solutions, justify their decisions, budget for the changes, and execute based on a well-informed strategy. This approach helps avoid future issues related to proprietary systems and hardware.

9. Adapting to Changes in the Competitive Landscape

Tribal casinos employ competitive bidding processes and open platform technologies, ensuring that they remain agile and responsive to shifts in the competitive landscape. This approach allows them to maintain a competitive edge by continually adopting cutting-edge technologies.

10. Relationships with Local Authorities and Law Enforcement

Tribal casinos often establish Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with local law enforcement, EMS, and fire agencies to ensure a swift response in case of emergencies. With their own law enforcement staff patrolling and conducting investigations, tribal casinos can provide rapid emergency services, even when tribal agencies are tasked out.

11. Who Does Security/Surveillance Better: Tribal or Corporate?

In Underwood's perspective, tribal casinos outshine corporate casinos when it comes to security and surveillance. Quoting “I feel like tribal does it better”. While corporate casinos may excel in certain areas like table games, tribal casinos dedicate extensive resources to ensure comprehensive security and surveillance. They prioritize coverage in areas like back-of-house, parking lots, and hotel hallways, enhancing both safety and asset protection.

In conclusion, tribal casinos' unique ownership structures and governance models, combined with their commitment to security and technology, set them apart in the gaming industry. Their adaptability, compliance with regulations, and focus on aligned strategies position tribal casinos as industry leaders in the realm of security and technology. But what does the corporate side of gaming think? We will hit that next.

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